The Crow Queen (Eagles and Crows #2) (2024)

Cody Marie Phoenix

895 reviews3 followers

December 1, 2023

I feel as though I know what the Queen of my ancestors may have been like by reading The Crow Queen. The historical accounts we have of Cartimandua are from Roman writers who say she was loyal to them. Seeing her come to life in this series, I'm not so certain of that. I tend to think she did what was necessary to protect the Brigantes people. She wasn't so different from Boudica protecting the Iceni, and being surrounded by people who loved her.

Cormag isn't in the known historical record, but who's to say there wasn't someone like him in Cartimandua's life. I love the way Melanie weaves the Celtic pantheon, lore and possible traditions into the stories. It makes the writing come to life for me, a descendant of both the Brigante and Parisii tribes. Can't wait for The Queen of the Hollow Hills!

Mary Elizabeth

609 reviews1 follower

January 31, 2024

Adding to the Tales

This book of Queen Cartimandua adds to the tales written by Melanie that I have read. Being that I've read Gruoch and Boudica,I was familiar with Cartimandua. Here is another woman of great strength, making decisions for her people, and putting her true desires last. This section of her life has war, but also joy. Foreboding abounds, and I have a feeling that book three will not be as kind to Cartimandua as book two.


193 reviews1 follower

January 31, 2024

enchanting and captivating

Melanie Karsak has once again written a not soon to be forgotten book. From page one I was swept into a world of unrequited love, tyranny and hope. I eagerly await book 3 in this series.


Author2 books23 followers

December 5, 2023

The Crow Queen picks up where The Blackthorn Queen left off. Cartimandua is now the rightful heir of the Brigantes. In order to be crowned Queen, Cartimandua must pass Cailleach's trial. Yet, passing the trial is the least of Cartimandua’s worries. There are threats of a looming war and the invasion of the Romans. Could Cartimandua be strong to protect her people?

In The Blackthorn Queen, Cartimandua was a grief-stricken and naive princess. In this sequel, Cartimandua must learn how to rule as a Queen. Queen Cartimandua has to put her people’s interests above her own. I really love Cartimandua. She has to make many difficult sacrifices, including her heart. As the novel progresses, she is wondering if she is no longer the girl she once was. Even her identity has changed. Everyone around her only sees her as the Queen of Brigantes and rarely calls her by her own name. Therefore, Queen Cartimandua is not only trying to do what’s right for the people, but also is trying to find her own identity. She is transitioning into a young and naive Queen into a very strong and capable ruler! I can’t wait to see what happens to her in the next installment!

Overall, this novel is about duty, identity, and love. All of the characters seemed very realistic and complex. The setting of Ancient Scotland is very beautiful and full of historical detail. I love how Mrs. Karsak has interwoven Celtic mythology into Queen Cartimandua’s tale! The Crow Queen was a very magical, lyrical, and enchanting take on this forgotten but important queen! The story was short and very fast-paced! I was so enthralled by the first page that I read it in one sitting! My only complaint was that I wish that it was longer! That means that I have to wait a few more months to find out what happens to Queen Cartimandua! How I wish the next installment, Queen of the Hollow Hills would release immediately! Nevertheless, the Eagles and Crows series must not be missed! I recommend this for fans of Mists of Avalon, The Horse Goddess, and The Lost Queen!
(Note: I read an ARC copy of this book in courtesy of the author. All opinions expressed are my own.)

    age-of-antiquity fantasy historical-fiction

Nancy (The Avid Reader)

2,598 reviews115 followers

November 29, 2023

Carti is crowned queen and war is brewing. Carti vows to be the best queen she can be for her people. She will stand for them at any time no matter what the cost to herself may be. She vows to always do what is best for the crown.

With war brewing Carti must make some very hard decisions if she is going to keep her people and the crown safe. Being queen is a hard job indeed. I can’t imagine all the decisions and the turmoil Carti must face day after day. The things she must do and endure for her people.

I couldn’t imagine having to marry the best person for the crown and not the person she may be in love with. She must always follow her head and not her heart. Her life is no longer hers to do with as she wishes.

But she did make this choice and I would stand behind her every step of the way. I mean it's her life and her choice. We all make the same kind of choices every day even if we are not aware of it or believe it to be true.

I enjoyed reading The Crow Queen just as much or better than I did The Blackthorn Queen book one in the Eagles and Crows series. I loved all the history and fighting. The battles kept me glued to the pages wondering how they were all going to turn out.

The Crow Queen kept me on the edge of my seat, heart pounding wondering, and waiting as I raced to the end to see who was going to come out on top. The characters kept me racing to the end as I witnessed battle after battle. I was rooting for Carti hoping everything was going to end in her favor.

The descriptions were so vividly written I had no trouble whatsoever seeing it all play out in my head as if I were watching a movie. I would truly like to see the Eagles and Crows series made into a movie or a TV show.

I would recommend The Crow Queen to anyone who likes a good historical romance story! Grab a copy of The Crow Queen today!

    celtic-history fantasy fiction

rainee rodriguez

22 reviews

January 14, 2024

That sad moment the book ends...

I was not ready for either book to end. I love Melanie's books. I have read so many there are not many books I can find myself rereading but hers come to me that way. I am sad that I must wait for the other book to be released. But I know in the end it'll be all that more exciting when it does! :)

December 5, 2023

This was a wonderful continuation of The Blackthorn Queen. This takes place where the previous book left off. It was wonderful to see how quickly Carti adjusted to being Queen and witnessing the trial of the twin goddess all the queens of the Brigantes to rule was interesting to read about. I loved this series and can’t wait to read the next book!

I highly recommend checking out this series. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.


1,855 reviews4 followers

December 8, 2023

I LOVE Queen Cartimandua! She has steel in her that will not bend but she is also a woman of compassion. This book celebrates both sides of her and I loved it. I love that as a reader I get to experience the rites and rituals from this time. I love that she gets to meet her Gods and Goddesses. Such a beautiful story! Melanie Karsak has a wonderful writing style that draws the reader into the world and brings it to life. Phenomenal.

Ashley Mohr

1 review

January 2, 2024

As always with Melanie an amazing read

This book is great!!! I am a little partial with this being my favorite author, but nonetheless it was amazing and I can’t wait for the next book in the series! I am so happy Cartimandua has found love and I know what is coming from the Boudicca book but can’t wait to see it from Carti’s point of view. I will be patiently waiting for book 3 :)

Sandra Hagan

55 reviews

December 5, 2023

This book pulled at all of my emotions. Carti is brutal and ruthless but also young and naive. I loved it! Every bit of war, every bit of emotional struggle, everything! She is a complex character and the author does a wonderful job of building her and the other characters.


2,661 reviews20 followers

December 6, 2023

Great continuation of the story. Carti has been crowned queen and is determined to be the best queen she can be. This book tells about the tough decisions she has to make in her determination to do so.


13 reviews

December 9, 2023

Crow Queen

Another Amazing story by such an Amazing author! Love Melanie books!!
looking forward to the story's continuation!
Hope its longer lol 😊

Lisette Kristensen

Author37 books273 followers

December 29, 2023

Carti's adventures continue and this book is loaded with great sub plots. The characters are so well developed they come to life on the page. Don't miss this series!


kelly mccurley

18 reviews

December 30, 2023

The Crow Queen

As always with Melanie's stories, I fell right into it. I'm never able to get enough. I can't wait to find out how she deals with Rome.


200 reviews2 followers

December 8, 2023

Some of Carli first thought after the death of her parents at her mother’s private burial: “ everything had come undone. My father is dead, my mother was dead and dishonored,.Venutiux was to marry Alys. Cormag has left Rigidonum to seek his mothers approval for our marriage. Everything around me has changed. Then Eddie her longest childhood friend confessed his love to Carti by telling her “ I should have been a King, your king , not a false Venutiux, Not the Bastard Prince. Not them Carti, Not them . Me. I should be your husband. I.. I am the one who truly loves you, who has always loved you…”
This is what as a princess she faced, as the Queen she had to put her country and people first. She had to choose alliance between tribes quickly. War was coming so she would be a queen of war. This is her story of how she starts ruling her kingdom. This book is filled with sorrow , pain, deception and betrayal. There is love for Cartl but she has to rule with a stone heart not with emotion. I really have enjoyed this book and series. The thought of arranged marriage is difficult to understand but is was the way of Carti’s world. I would give this book more than 5 stars if possible.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


65 reviews

January 6, 2024

First read of the new year, first review.

It took me a little bit to get back into the story. I read The Blackthorn Queen when it first came out, but it's been a few months. Thank goodness for the character list at the beginning. I think more books should be that way.

Anyways, as always, a highly enjoyable book by Melanie Karsak (big shock, I know) about the first queen of the Brigantes. It's got plenty of action, a semi love triangle and a girl learning the ropes about being in charge.

I was a little disappointed with her test at the beginning, it didn't seem to be a test of character or strength that seemed to make the previous rulers unable to speak about it... But that's OK.

I really enjoy the character of Queen Cartimandua, she's well written, soft, loving, caring, but hard when she needs to be. (that seems to be a Karsak requirement). I was rooting for Eddin, but really after Cormag makes the save, it's all him.

Overall it kept me going back and I finished it in 5 days (stupid work) and I cannot wait for the next book, out in July I believe.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


Author1 book1 follower

November 30, 2023

Note: I received an ARC of this book.

This was a wonderful sequel. I read it in 3 days it was so good! There was a lot more story movement in this one than the last and really nice fleshing out of the characters.

I had a moment of confusion when they are being wed and it describes it as being nighttime then, later, its their wedding night but the sun is going down over the ocean? I read it several times thinking I was missing something but couldn't find anything saying the party lasted all night into the next day. Could be I just kept missing it. Otherwise, just a weird timeline issue with no real consequence.

Overall, amazing! I can't wait for the next one!

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

Mystyc Metrik

71 reviews2 followers

December 8, 2023

The Crow Queen, the second installment of Cartimandua's story, was a wonderful continuation of the story. Picking up right after the loss of Carti's parents, it follows the young queen as she attempts to marry and lead her people against internal threats and the looming presence of Rome. It is not an easy feat, as she is besieged on all sides by friends, lovers, traitors, and allies. The character development is superb and the action keeps the story moving along at the right pace. You'll even feel like you're learning something with the rich historical description and delightful prose. I would definitely recommend this book!

Christine H Russell

77 reviews

December 15, 2023

Another good story

I enjoy Karsak’s books very much- some more than others. Middle books are her weakness, and this is no exception. While I enjoyed the story, it was a bit too sappy and teenagery in the romance department. The whole romance with Eddin feels forced and tossed in purely because of the need for angst. It’s romantic but awkward. The ending is magnificent, however and it’s definitely worthwhile to read the whole book to get to it. I love Cormag and was hoping for more of him than is in this story. Looking forward to the sequel.


8 reviews

January 7, 2024

All through the first book, I was rooting for Carti to fall in love with Cormag, and in the second book, I get this!?!?!?!? Eddin???? But putting that aside, as usual, I was in love with Carti and her bravery and fierceness. The way she managed to quell the rebellion and emerge victorious was a delight to read.

It was painful to see Carti make hard decisions regarding people she once thought were family but that’s what makes her the Carti I love and makes her a great queen.

Anyone who loves a strong FMC should definitely give this series a try.

Kate Christensen

17 reviews

April 26, 2024

No disappointment here. This was equally as well paced as the first book in the series - Eagles and Crows. There was action and intrigue from start to finish and plenty of mystique/ magic to keep me engaged. Once again it was a great story on its own but had enough threads to make you want to read the next book in the series.


2,776 reviews9 followers

December 7, 2023

Nothing lies easy on the head of Queen Carti. Rulership requires sacrifice and she tries frantically to focus on what is the most important. But with danger and deception surrounding her, the strength to do what is right comes at a cost. Book 2 of the series.


1,162 reviews13 followers

January 17, 2024

She’s just too confident in her ruling. Brand new queen and is young but knows how to do everything already. Doesn’t make mistakes, everyone has 100% confidence in her?

    historial-fiction royality-knights-in-shining-armour


488 reviews3 followers

January 19, 2024

Thoroughly enjoyed it


1 review

March 31, 2024

Great from start to finish

Love the books that you don’t want to put down. Just the right amount of fantasy interwoven in the story.

Lisa Shrock

7 reviews

May 2, 2024


These books bring you in and get ya hooked so I could not wait to start reading the next book

C. L. Holcomb

9 reviews

June 1, 2024

too short

I enjoy reading M. Karsak’s books but I wish they were longer, more filling. I do not want her stories to end.

gwen graves

1,003 reviews1 follower

June 5, 2024

Really Great

I love Karsak's stories, the mystics and insights into the people who lived before. The characters were so well written.

Amber K

951 reviews34 followers

February 21, 2024

Now, the rightful Queen of the Brigantes, Cartimandua, begins her reign by going to war. The Crow Queen is absolutely amazing! Melanie's writing is vivid, full of rich detail, and emotion. You get drawn in and don't want to let go. This book deserves so much more than 5 stars!!
I love Carti. She has nerves of steel and a brilliant mind. I can't wait to see where the rest of her story leads us!
The audio narration is phenomenal, and I can't imagine anyone other than Lesley Parkin reading this story!
Highly recommended!!

    arc audiobook e-book
The Crow Queen (Eagles and Crows #2) (2024)


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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

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Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.